Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Interns out on the town...

Training Day 5
Today all of the interns had the opportunity to explore military bases based on the branch of the military that we would be working with for during the next few months.  My group visited the Anacostia Naval Base in D.C.  We had the opportunity to tour two CDC programs and see the base’s youth centers.  During the lunch break the navy interns bonded over puzzles – just see the pictures.

Anacostia Naval Base

The Navy Interns' 1st Puzzle

Working on another puzzle


Thursday night we had our final dinner with everyone (N4-HCC catering has gotten better).  Then a bunch of the interns went out to celebrate Alyson’s last day in the states (she was headed to Germany) and the end of the training.  It was a great end to a wonderful week.

Me & Alyssa

Most of the Army Interns

Mark tied his cherry stem into a knot

Me & Elizabeth

The Navy Intern - minus Emily who left early

Joey, Alyson, Mark, & Lindy waiting for our cab after a great night!

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